Churches need money to pay the bills that keep our doors open, and resource the activities of the church that people value. Without money, our ministry and mission is diminished and hindered. It’s that simple.
The bible teaches that we’re to be wise stewards of all we have. Those 2000 bible verses on wealth and possessions, including some tough teaching from Jesus, pack a powerful punch. The joyful giving of the tithe (Deut. 14:22-29), Paul’s challenge to ‘excel in the grace of giving’ (2 Cor. 8:7) and the women who supported Jesus’ ministry (Luke 8:1-2) teach us that joyful, generous giving is the hallmark of our discipleship around money and the gift that resources the ministry and mission of our church.
Please consider giving to your local church, using the Parish Giving Scheme makes giving simple and enables your gift to reach the church and its mission quickly and easily. You could also give to our shared work of ministry and mission, by giving to Christ our Hope Liverpool.
To give to your local church community or the wider work across Christ Our Hope Liverpool, please click on one of the buttons below.